пятница, 4 декабря 2015 г.

These small, stocky herbivorous mammals 4 species numbering. The only family of monotype unit Hyracoidea. They live in Africa and the Middle East. Although the ordinary appearance of modern hyraxes, they have a distant prehistoric origins.

Queen - the closest relatives of modern slonov.Po appearance hyraxes resemble rodents - marmots or tailless large guinea pigs - but phylogenetically closest to the elephants.

The size of a domestic cat lady with a body length of 30 to 65 cm, weight of 1.5 to 4.5 kg, the tail is short or non-existent. Limbs plantigrade. The forelimbs 5 palye with flattened claws resembling hooves. Three-toed hind limbs; internal pin bears long, curved nail, which is used for combing hair, and the other fingers - hoof-like claws. The soles of the bare paws covered with a thick rubber-like epidermis; on the surface of open numerous channels of sweat glands that continuously moisturize the skin. The central part of the arch of each foot can be lifted by special muscles, creating a semblance of suckers. Wet skin increases suction. Thanks to these adaptations may hyraxes with great agility and speed to climb steep rocks and trunks of trees, and even down to their head down.

Common in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the Sinai and the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Israel. Representatives of the genera and Procavia Heterohyrax - day animals live in colonies of 5-60 individuals in the arid savannahs and rock streams, climbing the mountain to an altitude of 4500 meters above sea level. Members of the genus Dendrohyrax - night forest animals live singly and families. All hyraxes are very mobile, can run fast, jump and climb steep rocks and trees. Well developed sight and hearing. Hyrax different underdeveloped regulators - at night they gather together to warm up, and during the day, like reptiles, bask in the sun for long periods. However, they raise up the sole of the paws, which are located on the sweat glands. Eye-catching clammy sweat helps Daman climb. Hyrax very careful and, like European ground squirrel at a high danger emit a sharp scream, causing the entire colony to hide in shelters.

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